Xanax Abuse 101: What Is Its Half-Life?

Xanax, a prescription medication for anxiety and panic disorders, has quickly become one of the most abused drugs in America. According to The National Center for Drug Abuse Statistics (NCDAS) estimations, over 4.8 million people abuse Benzodiazepines, including Xanax, annually. Unfortunately, this abuse leads to thousands of deaths from overdose yearly.

Now, while getting addicted to Xanax is pretty easy, weaning yourself off is challenging. Aside from the severe withdrawal symptoms, quitting Xanax, and cold turkey makes all the symptoms you were managing come back even stronger.

So, to avoid or deal with Xanax abuse, here is all you need to know, including the Xanax half-life:

What Xanax Does to Your Body

When you take a Xanax pill, it increases gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), a neurotransmitter, levels in the brain. At standard doses, a Xanax pill calms the user’s nerves and gives them a feeling of relaxation. The effects can set in within minutes, as absorption begins immediately after taking it, and typically peak within an hour or two, depending on the type of Xanax consumed.

When Xanax is taken in high doses, which is usually considered abuse, it gives the user a euphoric high which can lead to addiction. Even with standard doses, long-term use can still lead to dependency and, consequently, pose severe health risks to the user.

What is the xanax half-life?

A big question for most people, especially those considering Xanax as a treatment option, is how long does Xanax last in the body? This concern comes amid the invention of tests that can detect the drug in the tissues and body fluids.

Now, like most other drugs, Xanax still lingers in the body long after you stop feeling its effects.

With that in mind, Xanax half-life refers to the time half a Xanax dose takes to leave the system. And the answer usually varies from person to person depending on their age, weight, the amount of Xanax consumed, and any liver or kidney problems, to name a few factors

Xanax can also interact with other substances, such as opioids (fentanyl, morphine, codeine, etc.), bringing on severe effects.

But on average, Xanax’s half-life ranges between 8-16 hours, with a mean half-life of 11 hours. However, try not to be confused by this as in reality. Your body can take four or even more half-lives to remove the drug from your system entirely.

Xanax Withdrawal & How Long It Lasts

If your body is used to Xanax and you suddenly stop taking it, you start to experience withdrawal. And the symptoms can be brutal. Some of these include:

  • Headaches
  • Sweating
  • Blurred vision
  • Muscle cramping
  • Insomnia
  • Focus issues
  • Seizures
  • Anxiety
  • Light and noise sensitivity
  • Diarrhea
  • Panic attacks

And more. Withdrawal can be dangerous, especially if you have been dependent on the drug for a long time. So, it is always best to wean yourself off with the help of qualified medical professionals.

Seek Professional Help from Xanax Dependency to Live a Full Life

Xanax is a common and effective treatment for anxiety, panic attacks, insomnia, and alcohol addiction. However, it should only be used as a short-term solution because it is also highly addictive. If you suspect that you or someone close to you is addicted to Xanax, seek medical help immediately to start your recovery.