What to Consider Before Choosing a Family Doctor

One of the hardest decisions that you have to make when having a family is finding a family doctor.  When you want someone that is going to grow with you and your family and work with your lifestyle, it can be a challenge to remember what to remember!

To help you out, here are some of the major things to consider when trying to find the right family doctor.

Does the Doctor Meet Your Family Needs

This is definitely the biggest thing to remember.  What does your family need?

Do you need pediatrics?

Orthopedic help?

Geriatric care?

Medical marijuana?

All of these are important considerations when looking for a family practice doctor.  You can find more holistic doctors at Marijuna Doctors and even more with a quick internet search.  

But there’s more to a doctor than their specialities …


Finding the right doctor means that you also find the right attitude. That right attitude can mean so much!

If you need doctors that are more communicative or direct, then that is what you have to advocate for.  It’s hard to essentially interview several different family doctors, but finding the right attitude is worth it.


As mentioned above, there are several specialties that a doctor can have.  From working with children, to dealing with feet, family doctors are generalists.  They have to know all of the basics for taking care of the entire human body.

That being said, that doesn’t mean that a family doctor won’t have additional specialities. This is where doing your research and talking with the doctor will give you more insight into their work.


If the family doctor you like doesn’t have the specialities that you need for your family, then it is very important to ask about their network.  

A network for a doctor is a group that they work closely with on a regular basis. Usually, there is faster communication, perhaps combined offices, and more when it comes to a network.  

For example, you may find an internal medicine specialist who works with a chiropractor.  The combinations of specialties and networks are endless!

How Are You Treated

While this can be somewhat self-explanatory, it’s important to remember that no matter how much you may like a doctor’s attitude, you and your family have to come first.

Bedside Manner

Generally speaking, a doctor is trained to have a professional attitude.  Some doctors take on a more calming and familiar approach with patients.  When you are in distress or at a routine visit, your doctor has to be able to approach you as a person in the way you need.

This can be hard!  Adjusting to individual patients and learning personalities can take a lot of hard work. Above all, look for a doctor who has a bedside manner that fits your family. Don’t be afraid to do a bit of research either to see what other patients say.

How is the Staff Treated

This may seem to be an interesting thing to consider, but it will show you how a business operates and trust me, happy employees are easier to work with and take their job very seriously.


If you hear a lot of complaining going on around you from the staff, then you might want to reconsider the family doctor.  While the issues may not be on the part of the doc, it is important to remember that there can be quite a bit of fallout when employees aren’t happy.

From losing paperwork to constant turnaround, you’ll find that the consequences of an unhappy workplace don’t just affect the employees; they affect you too!

Decoration and Excitement

One of the most comforting and promising things to see is decor that isn’t 100% professional all the time.  You know; statues, fake plants, modern vases, pale white walls, etc..  It’s uncomfortable and sterile.

In the same way, if the staff have a bad attitude or they aren’t working well with their team, that will definitely show.  It shows in how you are handled, and can show in the smiles and attitudes of the people that are helping you.  If they aren’t passionate about their work or your care, you will feel tossed aside.

This is why paying attention to how the place is decorated and how the employees act is important.  You will get a great idea of the workplace attitude and how the team approaches family practice.  


There are several things that you have to think about when you want to take care of your family.  One of the biggest things is going to be what specialities a doctor has so that your familial needs can be met.  Keep in mind the attitude of the doctor and the staff and you’ll be good to go!