Here, in this article, we will suggest you a best and easy step for install the Ares Wizard on Kodi 17.1,18.3, 18.1, and get pin using best . Ares Wizard is available with best add-ons for streaming TV and movies. The best part about Ares wizard is that it is free and along with that you can access all 3rd party software developed by Ares project without any payment.
Moreover, If you don’t know anything about “” then you came to the right place. Here, we have a full on guide to know about and it is a website that you can used with Kodi krypton for online streaming.
Table of Contents
What Is Ares Wizard on Kodi 17.1, 18.3, 18.1?
First of all one question raised in your mind is that what is Ares Wizard and how it’s work? Well, let’s go to the straight to know about Ares Wizard. It is an add-on, which is much known for its work in maintenance on Kodi and other devices like devices like Amazon Fire TV Stick and other Android devices. It has many of helpful tools and some extraordinary features.
So, now select the means beneath to Install Kodi 17.1, 18.3, 18.1 Ares Wizard and after that using this pin http bit ly getbuildpin and this build added many number of high-quality Add-ons to allow you to stream your favourite movies and TV shows.
Alright, now you can check below steps for Install Kodi 17.1 18.3, 18.1 Ares Wizard and after Get pin using and follow these easy steps to install it.
Follow Steps to Install Kodi 17.1 18.3, 18.1 Ares Wizard & Get Pin using
Now follow below steps but before that you need to use VPN and then generate pin using you follow steps that is very easy.
Step 1#: First of all, go to System setting and select “Add-Ons“.
Step 2#: Then, you can see “Unknown Sources“ option turn it ON.
Step 3#: Next, go to the File Manager and select Add Source.
Step 4#: Now, Select none option and hit the OK button and choose the name for media source.
Step 5#: After that, Go Kodi home screen and select Add-Ons. Click on the icon.
Step 6#: Click on “Install from Zip File “ and select the “repository.ares project”.
Step 7#: Next, select file in folder name like to ares and Wait for Ares Wizard to load.
Step 8#: Then, Choose Ares Project and click on Program Add-Ons. Choose Ares Wizard and Enter Install.
Step 9#: After that, open Ares Wizard, and choose Kodi to build.
Step 10#: Now, it shows enter a PIN display. You have to use another device and browse
Step 11# Next, Enter the PIN number, which displayed at “” and select “Pulse Build Krypton”.
Step 12#: Now, start the Kodi Pulse Build install process. After installing Restart Kodi.
Step 13#: Done.
Final Words
These were the Steps for Install Kodi 17.1 18.3, 18.1 Ares Wizard and Get Pin using and you can follow the above steps that are very helpful for you.